Free & confidential talking therapy

Call 0300 303 0923

Through our talking therapies, we provide life changing support to those struggling with depression, stress, anxiety, low mood, worry, phobias and other mental and emotional issues and to those adjusting to living with a long-term health condition

Our service is totally free and confidential. There is no need to go through your GP — you just need to be registered at a GP surgery in Staffordshire or Stoke-on-Trent

Don't suffer, just call


What happens when I self-refer?

Important Notice

In order for us to process your referral we need to collect details about you.

Once you self-refer Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) will create a patient record which will be stored on the secure MPFT database.

For further information and details regarding why we collect your personal data, how it is used and who we may share it with please refer to Privacy Notice :: Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (

Should you wish to discuss this prior to self-referral please call 0300 303 0923

Urgent Help

We are not an emergency service but if you are struggling to cope with everyday life and need immediate help or know someone who is they should refer to their GP or out of hours GP service.

Alternatively, contact the Access Team (available 24/7):

If you’re having suicidal thoughts

To talk to someone who is trained to listen contact the Samaritans on 116 123

They are there for you 24 hours a day and all calls are free.

If you are about to seriously harm yourself or have harmed yourself.

Call 999 and ask for help or go straight to your local Accident & Emergency department.

If you fear you may harm someone else

Call 999 and ask for urgent help.

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